Home Sweet Home

Yesterday-What a whirlwind day!
Returned the rental car to the airport…my car was very happy to see me! And I her! Yes, my car is a she…my burgundy mare!
Packed my gear and traveled home…I was armed with cleaning cloths and Mom’s vacuum with full anticipation that I would need to uncover my land world from a layer of dust! Oh, my! Barely anything for being away for 6 months! I couldn’t believe it!
Did some cleaning, let my favorite landlord and upstairs neighbor know I was home, then met my dear friend for appetizers and my son for dinner…he asked me to do a road trip with him! It was a relaxing and wonderful evening!!!
Yes, I’m back…while it may feel indulgent, I will continue to write and share my life with you…feel free to read and comment…or not…
I’m meeting “my” Captains on Wednesday to plan out the spring and summer on the canal…I can’t wait!
So-what was it like to open the door? I just stood there and smiled…I was home. It felt good to be back in my home port…my place of registry. I know, and can navigate, the depths of my own port’s water and I know my own draft. I will still travel…and will return to my home port.


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1 Response to Home Sweet Home

  1. Edina says:

    So nice to have you home Kath. You continue to amaze & inspire, whether on water or dry land.
    😉 Welcome back!

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